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least square fitting中文是什么意思

用"least square fitting"造句"least square fitting"怎么读"least square fitting" in a sentence


  • 离小二乘拟合
  • 最玄乘法拟合


  • According to the theory , a numerical method is brought out and its kernel is least square fit
  • The linear least square fit is used in energy calibration and geometry calibration , and the nonlinear least square fit is used in peak fitting and region fitting
  • There two extracting strategies in this thesis : ( 1 ) transform the device characteristics equation to linear form and use “ least squares fit ” method to extract relevant parameters
    本文主要采用了两种参数提取方法: ( 1 )将器件特性方程线性化,用最小二乘法提取相应参数。
  • Using the home made device , the relationship between the 3 voltage and the heating frequency is obtained by lock - in amplifier , thus the thermal conductivity of the fluid is calculated with the least square fit method
  • The ten - wavelength pyrometer is developed for the demand of china jiliang university . the mathematical model is based on brightness temperature . the data is processed with least square fitting and the software is programmed with vc + +
    本课题是应中国计量学院要求设计的一台十波长高温计,采用的是基于亮度温度的数学模型,数据处理采用最小二乘拟合方法,软件采用vc + +编写。
  • Based on analytical simulation of deep drawing process , by using nonlinear parameter least square fitting , the on - line identification of material parameters and friction coefficient is realized during intelligent control of conical workpiece deep drawing
  • Firstly , several methods are used to test if there is heteroscedasticity in the data . then some variance stabilizing transformation methods are applied to the data . finally , it is pointed out that the least squares fitting may be used to the transformed data
  • Using the dsd models and forward scattering amplitude computed by the least squares fitting method , the specific attenuations at l - 400ghz have been computed and analyzed , the parameters of " power law " relation between specific attenuation and rainfall rate are obtained . the specific attenuations in qingdao , guangzhou and xinxiang are compared with itu - r specific rain attenuation models
    利用平均雨滴尺寸分布和点匹配法计算的雨滴的前向散射数据计算和分析了青岛、广州和新乡地区1 ? 400ghz特征雨衰减特性,得到了特征雨衰减与降雨率的指数关系参数,并与itu - r ( internationaltelecommunicationunion - radiocommunication )特征雨衰减模式进行了系统的比较研究。
  • The new algorithm starts from an initial estimate which is based on the hough transform , and a rectangular window is centered using the current line approximation , and a new line estimation is generated by making a total least squares fit through the pixels contained within the window . this is repeated until convergence is reached . lastly , we have suggested a new technique which may recover the motion and structure parameters of a moving object by using of 21 optical flow lines based on the optical flow fields of the feature line this thesis is the project supported by aeronautical foundation science ( no . 99f53065 ) and research center of measuring and testing technologies , and control engineering in nanchang institute of aeronautical technology ( no . 2001 - 15 )
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